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Extracurricular activities, clubs and organizations play an extremely important role in the overall development of the
ACCHS student, as well as contributing greatly to the quality of life in and around the school. The relationships and
camaraderie our activities foster — and the general feeling of goodwill they create — help give our school a distinct personality
and a vitality that carries over into the lives of all involved. We strive to ensure that students graduate as well-rounded students,
who are active in a variety of activities, and will continue to remain active throughout their collegiate years.
Want to hold a fundraiser, event or social activity?
Fill out our ACCHS Activities Form to submit a request! Email the completed form to helpdesk@acchs.info
American Red Cross Club
Mr. Anthony Clifford • aclifford@acchs.info
The Red Cross Club is a school-based service group that helps the Red Cross fulfill its humanitarian mission.
Working closely with the local Lehigh Valley Red Cross Chapter, club members participate in Red Cross service projects that impact their community and the world.
Art Club
Mrs. Maura Ohl • mohl@acchs.info
Open to all students with an interest in the visual arts. One does not need to be enrolled in Art in order to join.
Best Friends Forever
Mrs. Jennifer Winchilla • jwinchilla@acchs.info
Best Friends Forever fosters friendships between students at ACCHS and the Mercy School For Special Learning. This rewarding program pairs you with a "friend" with whom you meet regularly in order to forge a special relationship. Includes various activities such as movie night, cookie baking and craft projects.
Central City Project (CCP)
Mr. Pat Markham • pmarkham@acchs.info
The Central City Project (CCP) is Allentown Central Catholic High School's commitment to the city of Allentown. The CCP is an opportunity for students from communities outside the city to interact with the local neighborhood's people, institutions and events.
Chess Team
Mr. Jonathan Pany • jpany@acchs.info
Chess Club is open to all students with an interest in this intellectual game. Informal practice take place after school to have fun and learn in a non-competitive environment. The Chess Team is a competitive group involved in inter-scholastic competitions throughout the Valley.
Debate Team
Mr. Anthony Clifford • aclifford@acchs.info
Debate involves research, writing and public speaking. The team competes against other schools in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference and has weekly meetings and team dinners.
Mrs. Gina Regan • gregan@acchs.info
This club exposes students to nature to see how humans impact the natural world. It provides invaluable lessons for understanding our ecosystems and environment. Teams compete in field testing using their knowledge in five areas – Soil and Land Use, Aquatic Ecology, Forestry, Wildlife, and Environmental Issues.
Mrs. Gina Regan • gregan@acchs.info
Open to all students. This club acts as a great starter for students interested in becoming future healthcare professionals and those who also want to expand their skill set in debating, researching, leadership, group work, and competitive work.
Internat Club
Mrs. Lopez (olopez@acchs.info) and Sra. Kelton (skleton@acchs.info)
Internat links ACCHS to the beauty and wonder of foreign cultures. Their winter and spring trips are the highlights of this club. International Language Week immerses Allentown Central Catholic students in global traditions and cultures.
Key Club
Mrs. Rebeccah Saylor • rsaylor@acchs.info
A Kiwanis sponsored service organization that reaches out into the community to help those who are less fortunate. Activities include doing arts and crafts with Sacred Heart Regional School students and delivering food to the elderly.
Mock Trial Club
Mrs. Elissa Manlove • emanlove@acchs.info
Open to all students who have an interest in the law, public speaking, debating and acting. Team members analyze and simulate a court case provided by the PA Bar Association, and compete against other high schools. With assistance of a coach and a lawyer, students act out the roles of attorneys and witnesses.
Model United Nations
Mr. Jared Smith • jsmith@acchs.info
In Model UN, students step into the roles of "delegates," prepare draft resolutions, plot strategy, negotiate with supporters and adversaries, resolve conflicts, and navigate the UN's rules of procedure. The students compete at the mock United Nations conference held at Lehigh University in March.
National Honor Society (NHS)
Mrs. Kathleen Rasley • krasley@acchs.info and Mr. Patrick Sutton • psutton@acchs.info
This society is comprised of seniors who exhibit the qualities of leadership, scholarship, service and character. National Honor Society members participate in community projects and run a tutoring program every morning at 7:45am for all students.
Pep Club
Ms. Sofia Villegas • svillegas@acchs.info
Pep Club is an exciting group that prepares for homecoming and other events. It organizes the homecoming dance, homecoming pep rally and decorates the school and field to foster school spirit. In addition, Pep Club sponsors a variety of activities throughout the year. Go Vikings!
Philosophy Club
Mr. Jason Bach • jbach@acchs.info
The Philosophy Club is a teacher-guided, student-led forum where primary sources in classical philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Aquinas) are read and discussed. The group focuses on the intersection between faith and reason in the Roman Catholic tradition. The club meets every other week; open to every grade.
Mrs. Jennifer Winchilla • jwinchella@acchs.info
The Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science competition has been a long tradition for ACCHS science students. Members prepare an independent project which they present at a regional symposium with the hopes of advancing to the state competition at PSU in May.
Mr. Jonathan Pany • jpany@acchs.info
Allentown Central Catholic's brightest math students meet to test their abilities each month in these tests
and compete with schools across Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. PML meets once a month and
CML meets once every seven weeks.
Pro-Life Club
Mrs. Cara Meskill • cmeskill@acchs.info
The Pro-Life Club promotes the sanctity of life. Activities include providing awareness of the Pro-Life cause, fundraising for the Local Mary's Shelter, promoting positive mental health and suicide prevention, and working with individuals with disabilities. The highlight of the year is the March for Life in Washington, DC.
Science Olympiad
Mrs. Gina Regan • gregan@acchs.info
ACCHS has been the LVC Champion and qualified for the State Olympiad the last seven years! The team will participate in invitation competitions throughout the region. Activities in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science and Environmental Science are featured.
Scholastic Scrimmage
Mr. Gary Buschta & Mr. Mark Wilson • mwilson@acchs.info
Scholastic Scrimmage in an academic competition that covers all disciplines. ACCHS competes in the Lehigh Valley Conference, WLVT Channel 39, Intermediate Unit 20 Academic Competition and various other tournaments. All students who enjoy academic competition and trivia are welcome to try out for the team.
Ski Club
Cari Peters • caripeters@jrpeters.com
Come and join our group of winter-loving kids at Blue Mountain every Thursday during ski season for our group days. We have reserved a meeting place exclusively for our group, which overlooks the lesson hill and provides a nice space for skiers to take a break. Sign-ups for the group days start in late October.
Student Council
Mr. Max Bayer • mbayer@acchs.info
The student government of ACCHS is an organization whose primary objective lies in service to and leadership of students. Its functions are wide-ranging and essential to student activities at Allentown Central Catholic.
Viking Ambassadors
Mr. Patrick Sutton • psutton@acchs.info
The group provides the school with a team of students whom embody the moral standards, academic standards, and the spirit of ACCHS. They are responsible for interacting with potential students, giving tours, letting students shadow for a day, and different activities; even ones with some of our feeder schools as well.
Writing Club
Mr. Robert Baser • rbaser@acchs.info
Students with an interest in writing meet regularly to share ideas and discuss writing concepts.